Acquisition Date:
Purchase Order #:
Service/Equipment Purpose:
Static ID name (Server Name):
Vendor bought from:
Serial number (if known):
Responsible Person:
System Administrator:
Backup System Administrator:
UNH Equipment Tag Number (if known):
Purchase funding source:
Next Planned Replacement Year:
Operating System:
Application(s) on Server(s):
Power Requirements (Plug Type, Plug Count, Voltage):
KVA Needed:
BTU/hour rating:
Network Requirements:
Number of rack units needed (if applicable):
Backup device or backup service:
Vaulting and archiving needs:
Expected installation date:
If the equipment above is replacing an existing piece in the Data Center, fill out the remainder of this form.
Equipment Description(s) and Static ID name:
Serial number:
Model number:
UNH Equipment Tag Number:
Disposition of equipment (Surplus or Stored for parts):
Put to new use. Should this equipment continue to be listed in the replacement fund?